AST Wiki
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  1. DMCA
    1. Counter-notification
    2. Ban
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DMCA takedowns? Please read the following:

The platform respects the intellectual property of this wiki, and our team. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please report it via e-mail containing the following:

Copyright Agent / AST
A.S.T. Group
10 Rua Antônio Martins Conceição
Pindorama, SP

The A.S.T. Group will promptly process and investigate your report/notices of alleged infringement and will take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Upon receipt of notices complying or substantially complying with the DMCA, the A.S.T. Group may act expeditiously to remove or disable access to any infringing material. Any unauthorized copying of articles shared by the platform are subject to termination in appropriate circumstances.

In assessing whether or not a user of this platform has violated your copyrights, please keep in mind that AST Wiki is an online Jekyll-based encyclopedia published to GitHub Pages and not-for-profit initiative, seeking to create and share articles for users to read using digital technology. Please also keep in mind the Fair Use doctrine incorporated into the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107.

We hope you also see AST Wiki not only as a good way of popularizing your articles but also as an opportunity to do something good for reading.

If you choose to make a copyright infringement complaint, please note that we may post your notification, with personally identifiable information redacted, to a clearinghouse such as Please also note that you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that an activity is infringing your copyright.


If your article has been removed due to a copyright takedown notice, you believe you have a legal right to use the material, and you want to legally dispute this claim, you can file a DMCA counter-notification. You should only submit a counter-notification if the content was removed because of a mistake or misidentification and you are willing to go to court to defend your use of the material.

A DMCA counter-notification can be emailed to us or mailed to:

Copyright Agent / AST
A.S.T. Group
10 Rua Antônio Martins Conceição
Pindorama, SP

This counter-notice must include:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your phone number
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your wiki name
  • The name, description and URL of the article which was taken down
  • A statement made under penalty of perjury that the content was removed in error
  • A statement consenting to jurisdiction in the area which you reside
  • Your signature (must be drawn via Paint.NET)

If you do not include this information above, your counter-notification will be rejected.

Upon receipt of a valid DMCA counter-notice, AST Wiki will share the information you provide with the person who made the original claim of copyright infringement against you. They will be able to use this information to contact you or to notify you if they choose to file a lawsuit against you.

If we are not notified about a lawsuit being filed ten (10) business days after providing a counter-notification to a person who has filed a DMCA takedown notice, access to the article which was taken down will be restored.


We are required by the DMCA to disable access to the wiki to any unauthorized persons. If we receive a DMCA compliant takedown notice against a person, and that person doesn’t submit a counter-notification, a strike is added to the wiki, similar to YouTube. These strikes disables the following:

  • Ability to edit articles
  • Ability to create new articles
  • Ability to access downloads

After 3 strikes have been received, access to the wiki will be disabled and standard measures will be taken to block their access to the platform. We assess strikes 10 business days after a copyright takedown notice is received to ensure that no person is blocked before they have a chance to review the issue and submit a valid counter-notice.


Scratch’s DMCA page